Sushil Krishna Bajracharya

I read code. I write code. I build software.

I am a software engineer with more than a decade of combined research and development experience. I focus on writing code that is robust, simple, and comprehensible. I strive to design and build systems that are correct, maintainable, and perform at scale. I like work that challenges me intellectually, and gives me an opportunity to keep learning.

Notable things I have built:

Some of my core strengths:

  • Software Engineering: I have a track record of building and delivering software solutions to complex problems. I have a strong background in Software Engineering research that helps me succeed as a software engineer. My current expertise lies in building distributed microservices to solve complex business problems. I also have expertise in building large scale search solutions that meet specific information needs. I strive to keep learning and extend my expertise in other domains.
  • Technical Leadership: I possess collaboration and communication skills to bring necessary stakeholders on board to get things done. My ability to listen and incorporate feedback helps me succeed as a technical lead.
  • Quality Work: I am persistent in delivering quality work and fostering it in my team through reviews, coaching, and continuous feedback.
  • Mentorship: I guide less experienced or new team members to be more effective and produce high-quality results. I have supervised research projects where I guided my apprentices in turning ideas into practical solutions.
  • Critical thinking and Attention to Details: With a background in academic research, I have acquired critical thinking and strong reviewing skills. These skills make me effective in many software engineering tasks I perform such as software design, problem decomposition, and writing/reviewing code.

My Online Bits

Here is a link to my old web page that I no longer maintain. It contains more information on my academic, research, and personal background.

(c) Sushil Bajracharya